“Gee Uyane Idorayata Mal Warusawak”
Deepika Priyadharshani’s 3rd Album made in the year 2000.
Comparing with the previous 2 albums, Lyrically I do not see a versatility.
But,there is a versatility about love.
The music of the album is going new technology. I mostly hear a keyboard in Rohana Weerasinghe’s Music.
For me this is a great album.
Vihanga Bogastanne –
“Gee Uyane Idorayata Mal Warusawak”
Deepika Priyadharshani’s 3rd Album made in the year 2000.
Comparing with the previous 2 albums, Lyrically I do not see a versatility.
But,there is a versatility about love.
The music of the album is going new technology. I mostly hear a keyboard in Rohana Weerasinghe’s Music.
For me this is a great album.